
Generation Isolation: OnSide Youth Research 2024

Generation Isolation is based on responses from 5,200 young people in England aged 11-18, conducted in partnership with YouGov. We wanted to shine a spotlight on the social lives of young people by learning more about the 85% of time they spend outside of school – so that we, and organisations that support and care about young people, can advocate for support that better meets their needs.

The research shows the impact of screen time on young people, as smartphones are the most time-consuming activity outside of school. Though 52% want to cut back, 46% don’t know how. It also shows that young people continue to struggle with feelings of anxiety, and are lonely.

When asked what one thing would improve their lives outside school young people’s message was clear – more affordable leisure activities and safe, fun places to socialise and learn new skills.

We believe youth work is the untapped solution to the issues highlighted in the report, helping young people make friends, develop meaningful ‘in real life’ connections, gain experiences that build confidence and skills for adulthood and support from trusted youth workers.

Read the report

Generation Isolation: Key Findings


of young people spend most of their free time on screens.


of young people spend most of their free time on their smartphone, making it the most time consuming activity outside of school.


of young people that spend most time on their smartphone would like to reduce this.


of young people spend most of their free time alone.


of young people spend most of their free time in their bedroom.


of young people do not attend a youth centre.


of young people that attend a youth centre say it has made a positive difference to their lives.


of young people who say youth centres make a positive difference say it is because of making new friends/social interactions.


of young people reported high or very high feelings of anxiety.


of young people reported high or very high feelings of loneliness.


of young people do not have opportunities to meet new people and make friends.


of young people say more affordable leisure activities would make the most difference to improve their life outside of school.

The impact of the smartphones on young people

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