
We support young people to develop the emotional intelligence (self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, social skills), problem solving skills, confidence and resilience to deal with the challenges they face, to strengthen their wellbeing and promote success in life.

I can now talk to people and let them know how I feel instead of bottling everything up.



  • 73% of young people feel less isolated (asked of those aged 14yrs plus)
  • 66% thought they were better at bouncing back from setbacks and disappointments
  • 92% considered that they had a trusted adult who they could speak to

If I was stressed out at home I would hurt myself. Now I have strategies to help me cope. I don’t self-harm as much.

Ability to manage own emotions

  • 59% are better able to control/manage their feelings better
  • A 2015 study of those participating in sport at the Youth Zones showed a 26.1% increase in emotional intelligence/resilience


  • 65% are better at understanding how other young people are feeling enabling them to show greater levels of empathy and understanding

Self awareness

  • 77% know what their strengths and weaknesses are (asked of those 14yrs plus)

Jasmine’s story: “I’ve learnt that the future isn’t something that should be feared”

Jasmine, 19 is a member at the Hive, Wirral Youth Zone. She was referred to The Hive’s mentoring programme by her family support worker to…

Read the case study

Our Goals

Goal 1

Give young people exciting, safe places to connect and grow.

See the outcomes

Goal 2

Help young people to lead healthier, happier lives.

See the outcomes

Goal 4

Support young people to raise their aspirations and fulfil their potential.

See the outcomes

Goal 5

Stronger communities with empowered, active, caring citizens.

See the outcomes

Impact of OnSide

OnSide exists to transform young people's lives across the UK through a powerful network of state-of-the art Youth Zones that offer life changing opportunities and vital relationships with youth workers that support young people to build and achieve their aspirations.

Learn more

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