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Take a Virtual TourMeet Chris, a 16-year-old member at Legacy Youth Zone
“I first discovered Legacy by accident to be honest. Last year one of my friends mentioned going to play basketball with him so I came with him to the centre and that was when I realised that there was also boxing here too. I was planning to come for just the one day and never come again but as soon as entered the boxing room I was interested in learning more about what was on offer. I had always wanted to try boxing or MMA but whenever I had visited gyms in the past, I had always found that the language barrier was getting in the way, and no one had ever made the effort to help me move past that.
Legacy was different to what I had experienced in the past. I’ve found that my social skills have improved so much, especially with the help of Denon. (Denon is the boxing and MMA youth worker at Legacy). He’s always encouraged me to make friends ever since I started at Legacy and has always been helpful when I’ve felt my confidence has been low. He’s an important part of my life because if it wasn’t for his support and coaching, I feel like I would be in the same place as I was last year with my anxiety. Youth workers like Denon are important because they help you increase multiple skills. They don’t just teach you practical skills and training, they help you to learn how to deal with the world around you by showing you important life skills like communication, leadership and discipline.
Before coming to Legacy, I was very shy and even talking to people or doing work with them at school and in class was something I found hard. I always I felt scared of talking and even though my social anxiety is something I still feel, it is a lot less now. In one month’s, time, I will have been coming to Legacy for one year. Since starting back in last December, I feel completely different within myself. I always used to find a way not to talk to people and struggled to maintain a conversation with people, especially if I didn’t know them. My parents are proud of me for coming to Legacy and they feel as if I can finally socialise more and stop avoiding talking to other people.
I’ve never been someone who looks for trouble, but I have always loved MMA and fighting, I love the feeling it brings you and the confidence I get from it. I think one of the reasons I love doing the MMA so much is because everything you would need to say to someone is done through movements instead. You learn through going through the moves together and each step or move learnt feels like an achievement and something that’s shared with whoever you are sparring with. You are always mirroring that person that you are with and having something in common with them always makes it easier to start conversation.
When you’re training here, it’s easier to make friends because they like the same things as you and the UFC trip helped me even more with that. At first, I was nervous because I was thinking to myself, how will I have enough to say for a four-hour trip there and back? But I ended up becoming quite close with another young person on the trip who doesn’t normally speak a lot either. Meeting the fighters and Dana White was such a good memory to have together and this was also my first time ever visiting outside of London since moving to the UK. We had the music on the whole way to Manchester and we were all suggesting songs to play in the minibus which was really fun. Watching the fight in Manchester felt like one of those things that you do once in a lifetime and honestly didn’t feel like real life.
Training MMA also helped me with getting out of a stressful headspace when I was studying for my exams last year. I didn’t use Legacy as a place to revise because for me it was a place to escape from all of that and have conversations that weren’t just about school. Being sat in the same place all day at home all day, just looking at the same thing isn’t good for your mind and knowing that I could come here and have a break from all of that was always a good feeling.
Finding a sport that I’m so passionate about at Legacy also had an impact with my college work. When the time came for me to choose my subjects at college, I chose sports because I knew that I could use some of what I’ve learnt here in MMA towards my course work. Being around lots of different types of people as Legacy has also helped me to understand the people at my college more and be more mature.
Before coming here, I felt like I was being a bit of a barrier towards myself, the work and training that I do when I come here has helped me to overcome this to push myself forward. A famous fighter that I watched once said that “when you fight, if you’re fighting happy, then you are fighting good” and I try and take that into my life, if I’m happy, then I’m doing good. When I’m at Legacy that’s exactly how I feel.”