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Take a Look Inside...

We’d love to show you around a local Youth Zone, allowing you to see for yourself the impact that these centres make. Simply fill in your details below and a member of the team will be in touch to arrange a visit.

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Community Match Challenge

During the pandemic OnSide was awarded £6million as part of The Community Match Challenge Fund. This funding supported the 14 Youth Zones and three of OnSide’s partner Youth Clubs. The funding focused on supporting young people’s mental wellbeing, supporting the voice project, support school transitions and supporting BAME young people across the Network. The programme was delivered through centre based interventions, outreach and virtual delivery.

The programme funded core activities of the Youth Zone meaning they could maximise delivery and ensure young people and their families continued to be connected and supported during a very difficult time. Taking a universal approach using a broad range of modes of delivery helped Youth Zones provide consistent support despite the ever-changing regulations. More importantly it ensured that newly emerging vulnerabilities were identified, and support stepped up accordingly.

In total we supported 29,559 young people and 145 local youth and community partner organisations over the six months.

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