As a Network, we are passionate about delivering high quality youth work to support young people’s personal and social development.
Our Me App evaluation system was designed with EDIT (the Evidence Development and Incubation Team) at King’s College London. The survey of short attitudinal questions asks young people to rate themselves between one and five in several areas aligned to our outcomes, including self-confidence, social skills, physical health and mental wellbeing. These are reflected in our five Network Goals which all Youth Zones work to:
Me App surveys are completed alongside a trusted youth worker no more frequently than six monthly, so we can monitor change over time. Responses are logged online and linked to our content management system. Salesforce, from where we can analyse the data locally and nationally.
of young people increased or maintained self-confidence
of young people increased or maintained their physical health
of young people increased or maintained their ability to manage their feelings
of young people increased or maintained their aspiration
of young people increased or maintained feelings of citizenship
OnSide’s 2023-24 Network Impact Report is now available to read.
Alongside headline figures showcasing the transformative impact of Youth Zones on over 50,000 young members, it includes inspiring stories from young people who share how these spaces have shaped their lives.