
Your support will change a young person’s life

OnSide Youth Zones are amazing places where friends are made, futures are found, and lives are changed. Every new Youth Zone is built on the know-how of the last. Every success story writes the first chapter of the next.

We’re grateful to our supporters, with their help we’re building a growing Network of Youth Zones in areas of deprivation across the country; we’ve funded the Talent Academy to support the training of youth workers at all levels; we’ve facilitated the sharing of knowledge and best practise across the Network; and delivered life changing targeted projects that positively impact on the lives of individual young people.

Each Youth Zone supports a staggering 3,000 to 4,000 young people every year. Our Network supports over 55,000 young people. We’re proud of what we’ve achieved and we’re excited about what more we can do together.

About OnSide Youth Zones


Donate to a new Youth Zone

Your support is crucial in creating safe, inspiring spaces where young people can learn, grow, and thrive. Our youth centres are vital lifelines for young people, offering not just activities, but the guidance of dedicated youth workers. By helping to create a new Youth Zone, you are not merely funding a building—you are investing in the future of young people. Join us in making a lasting difference.

Support a new Youth Zone

Donate to an existing Youth Zone

The Youth Zone model is tried and tested. Impact reporting proves it works. Local stakeholders testify to the significant, positive difference their Youth Zone has made to their area – not just to young people but their families, their schools, their businesses, their community at large.

Support an existing Youth Zone

Donate to OnSide's work with young people

Find out how you can play a vital role in our work of  supporting great youth work through our Network of 15 Youth Zones, and helping us achieve our mission of building a thriving network of 35 Youth Zones, reaching 150,000 young people by 2035.

Donate to OnSide

Our impact

Our mission is to empower young people to lead positive, fulfilling lives. We do this by providing access to incredible youth centres, we call Youth Zones, and excellent youth work delivered by outstanding people, where they are needed the most. We know our model works and as a Network we have an incredible impact on young people, which you can read about on our impact page.


young people attended Youth Zones in 2023-24


engagements across the Network in 2023-24

Over £13

social return on investment for every £1 invested into Youth Zones

Almost £300m

of social value generated across the OnSide Network in 2023-24

How your support makes a difference to a young person's life

Be inspired by reading stories of the life-changing power of youth work from across the OnSide Network.

Read more impact stories

Speak to the team

If you’d like to learn how your gift can make a difference, or to talk to a member of the fundraising team, please do get in touch.

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