We’d love to show you around a local Youth Zone, allowing you to see for yourself the impact that these centres make. Simply fill in your details below and a member of the team will be in touch to arrange a visit.
Take a Virtual TourAlison oversees all philanthropic income generating activities and the Marketing team across both OnSide offices. The Fundraising team raises money from private individuals, corporates and charitable foundations for the following areas: new YZ capital projects; the first three/four years of revenue expenditure for new YZs, the bulk of fundraising is undertaken in the pre-opening; and funding for OnSide’s own revenue costs. Additionally Alison and her team raises income from trusts, foundations & statutory funders for Network projects, i.e. projects that take place across open YZs. The Marketing team focuses on enhancing the OnSide brand; developing and marketing individual YZ brands for new projects; and raising OnSide’s profile in the national press.
Email Address alison.benjamin@onsideyouthzones.org