
We offer a range of high-quality youth projects across the Network, enhancing the Youth Zone’s local activities and ensuring young people have the skills and support they need to succeed.




…is to ensure that every young person, regardless of their circumstance or background, has the opportunities and support to achieve their potential.


of members feel less isolated


of participants have found work or gone into education or training as a result of our Get a Job course


thought they were better at bouncing back from setbacks


raised to support programmes for young people nationwide

Creative arts

Funding provided by the Prudence Trust has enabled Inspire, Chorley Youth Zone’s to run a creative arts programme which uses art as an outlet and a way of supporting mental health.

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Stronger Sisters

The Stronger Sisters programme inspires young women aged 13 to 19, particularly those from ethnic minorities, and supports them to build confidence and resilience.

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Wellbeing worker

Funding provided by the Prudence Trust has enabled Blackburn, Croydon, Oldham and Wigan Youth Zone to run the Wellbeing Worker programme.

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Culture of health

The Culture of Health project aims to achieve a consistent, high quality approach to delivering health outcomes across all Youth Zones, with health underpinning all our activities.

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The Get a Job Programme

Get A Job is an employability support programme that aims to help young people aged 16-19 years old get the skills and confidence to either secure employment or move into education or training.

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Active Youth

Active Youth helps inactive young people become active again through a series of fun and engaging physical activities delivered in small groups with peer young leaders.

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UFC – OnSide Youth Mentoring Project

Young people aged 12-16 will be able to join the UFC – OnSide Youth Mentoring Programme, which will comprise of weekly classes over a 6-8 week period initially.

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Inspiring Futures

The Inspiring Futures programme embeds an understanding of the link between education and employment. Young people gain a full understanding of available career options, through exploring a wide variety of career opportunities, experiencing the world of work and participating in enterprise activities.

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Youth Voice

Youth Voice will support young people to become active citizens, to be heard and valued within society at a local and national level, and to achieve positive tangible change.

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Community Match Challenge

During the pandemic OnSide was awarded £6million as part of The Community Match Challenge Fund. This funding supported the 14 Youth Zones and three of OnSide’s partner Youth Clubs.

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These projects need your continued support

Our Fundraising Team would love to hear from you!

Whether as an individual or an organisation we want to hear from you.  It takes around £6.5million to open a new Youth Zone in the UK and as the need for these centres of the community grows so does our focus on securing new funding and new supporters.

How to get OnSide

We need your financial support to make a real difference to the lives of young people throughout the country. We aim to give all young people somewhere safe and inspiring to go in their leisure time. Youth Zones are having a transformational impact on young people now and will continue to do so for future generations.

Your support will make a difference, creating a better future for young people.

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